woman in white button up shirt and blue stethoscope
woman in white button up shirt and blue stethoscope
Assurance santé

LAMal et complémentaire en Suisse.

view of table with glasses near closed window
view of table with glasses near closed window
person in gray long sleeve shirt driving car
person in gray long sleeve shirt driving car


Découvrez nos offres d'assurance adaptées à vos besoins.

a cracked glass window with a hole in it
a cracked glass window with a hole in it
woman in gold dress holding sword figurine
woman in gold dress holding sword figurine
a dog and a cat laying in the grass
a dog and a cat laying in the grass
Assurance ménage
Assurance voiture / moto

Protégez votre maison.

Roulez en toute tranquilité.

Assurance animaux domestiques

Protégez la santé de votre compagnon.

Assistance en cas de litige.

Couvrez les dommages causés à autrui.

Protection juridique
Assurance responsabilité civile
white and red airplane on airport during daytime
white and red airplane on airport during daytime
Assurance voyage

Voyagez en toute sérénité.

man carrying baby close-up photography
man carrying baby close-up photography
man kissing woman's forehead white holding ultrasound photo
man kissing woman's forehead white holding ultrasound photo
Assurance vie et prévoyance
Assurance prénatale

Sécurisez l’avenir de vos proches et le vôtre.

Protégez ce qui compte le plus.

Initium a su répondre à mes attentes avec professionnalisme et efficacité. Je recommande vivement leurs services.

Joao Pereira

A grand architectural building featuring classic design elements such as columns, arched windows, and a large dome with a cross on top. Statues are positioned on the rooftop, adding to the ornate style. The inscription 'Curia Confoederationis Helveticae' is visible above the columns. The sky is overcast with thick clouds, and a crane is seen in the background.
A grand architectural building featuring classic design elements such as columns, arched windows, and a large dome with a cross on top. Statues are positioned on the rooftop, adding to the ornate style. The inscription 'Curia Confoederationis Helveticae' is visible above the columns. The sky is overcast with thick clouds, and a crane is seen in the background.

Une expérience agréable et fluide. Les offres d'assurance sont claires, précises et adaptées à mes besoins.

Ambre Rey

An airplane with a Swiss logo is flying over a lush green field with a winding path. The sky is mostly cloudy, suggesting an overcast day, with some patches of blue visible. There are fences running along the field, and a forested area is visible on the horizon.
An airplane with a Swiss logo is flying over a lush green field with a winding path. The sky is mostly cloudy, suggesting an overcast day, with some patches of blue visible. There are fences running along the field, and a forested area is visible on the horizon.